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Arresting Device



 Charles A. Templeton

  Machine Inc.


                                               A New Concept

                                  An Arresting Device

                     Anti Blow-Up Tool

Instead of the conventional slips or finger type barbs this tool employs rollers over a tapered mandrel to engage the tubing wall.

In the case of a blow up or upward motion of the tapered section of the mandrel, the rollers are held by arms attached to the barrel allowing the mandrel to expand the rollers and roll into the tubing wall.

The same action occurs in cases such as a plug, bomb, or other tool that is located in a nipple or on a stop and the arresting device is positioned on top to prevent the tool from coming up the hole.

The upper sub is threaded to receive a rope socket, fishing neck or stem, etc. ( 3/4-16 thd. ).

The lower end of the tapered mandrel is threaded internally to receive a tool string ( 3/4-16 thd. ). It is also threaded externally to receive various O.D. sizes skirts to be determined by the size of the tubing in which it is to be used.The skirt determines the effective area of the tapered mandrel.

A spring may be used in the upper barrel. The weight of the tool string below should offset the spring, in running position. When the string is set down on a stop or nogo, the rollers are pushed down on the tapered mandrel and engage the tubing wall.

The device is retreivable by simply pulling up. It is not necessary to use jars to set or retrieve the device.

The major O.D. of the device is 1 7/16 in. All components are made from heat treated stainless steel. Variations in upper and lower threads may be made at the time of manufacture to suit your needs. Separate arms, rollers and skirts are available for different tubing sizes.



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Last modified: 12/08/04