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Gear Manufacturing



Charles A. Templeton

  Machine Inc.

English and Metric Gears and Splines

External Helical and Spur Gears

Internal Spur Gears

Internal and External Splines

Worm and Worm Gears

Sprockets of all types

Key Benefits

  • Quick Delivery
  • Replacement Parts made as good or better than original
  • Highly Skilled Machinist


Charles A. Templeton Machine Inc. utilizes Gear Hobbers, Gear Shapers, Vertical Shapers, CNC and Manual Lathes, CNC Milling Machines and Cylindrical Grinders to manufacture gears, shafts and sprockets.


  • Gear Hobbing :  2 DP Max. pitch / 36 " max. dia.
  • Gear Shapers :  3/4 DP Max. / 20" max. pitch dia./ 5" max. face width
  • Vertical Shaper :  6" Max. Stroke / 19" max. dia.
  • CNC Lathe :  12" Max. Dia. / 19.69 max. length
  • Manual Lathe : 21" Max. Dia. / 60" max. length
  • Universal Cylindrical Grinder : 11.6 max. O.D. / 24.8 max. length

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Copyright © 2003 Charles A. Templeton Machine Inc.
Last modified: 12/08/04