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Remov. Pump Seating Nipple



RPSN for T&C Tubing
RPSN for IJ Tubing
CAT Tubing Stop


 Charles A. Templeton

  Machine Inc.


The Removable Pump Seating Nipple is designed to be used to land a sucker rod pump in wells not previously equipped with A.P.I. pump seating nipples. The tool may be run in, set, and pulled with regular wire line tools and methods.

The well does not have to be killed nor the tubing pulled. The seating nipple is designed to be set at any depth in a collar recess or set with a slip-type  tubing stop.

RPSN for T&C Tubing

RPSN for IJ  Tubing

CAT Tubing Stop


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Copyright © 2003 Charles A. Templeton Machine Inc.
Last modified: 12/08/04