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Wireline Tools
Remov. Pump Seating Nipple
BHP Tools
Pineapple Broaches

 Charles A. Templeton

  Machine Inc.


Charles A. Templeton has over fifty years experience manufacturing tools. We can make your part from a drawing, sketch, or sample part. Please contact us if you have questions or you cannot find the tool you need.

Wireline Tools

Pulling Tools, Fishing Tools, Test Plugs & Special Tools.


Removable Pump Seating Nipple

RPSN's for IJ and T&C tubing and CAT Tubing Stops.


BHP Tools

Various Bottom Hole Pressure Tools.


Pineapple Broaches

Segmented and Solid Tubing Broaches.



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Copyright © 2003 Charles A. Templeton Machine Inc.
Last modified: 12/08/04