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Pineapple Broaches



 Charles A. Templeton

  Machine Inc.

Charles A. Templeton Machine Inc. manufactures solid and segmented Pineapple Tubing Broaches. All broaches are made from heat treated alloy steel and the broach O.D. is deep carburized and finish ground . This combination results in a superior long-lasting tool.

Key Benefits

  • Extremely Hard and Sharp cutting edges
  • Segmented Pineapple Tubing Broaches are more versatile
  • Special Sizes Available

Solid Pineapple Broach

Segmented Pineapple Broach

From Top:

Long Style Swaging Broach

Swaging Broach

Descaler Broach



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Copyright © 2003 Charles A. Templeton Machine Inc.
Last modified: 12/08/04