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Wireline Tools



Special Tools
Templeton Test Plug
Templeton Locator Assembly
Plunger Pulling Tool
Standing Valve Pulling Tool
Overshot-Type Pulling Tool
Internal-Type Pulling Tool
1" Coiled Tubing Overshot
" W " Plug Slip Type Mandrel
Wireline Grab


 Charles A. Templeton

  Machine Inc.


Charles A. Templeton Machine Inc. manufactures various wireline  tools . If you have a need for tools not listed below please contact us. We have fifty years experience building many types of wireline tools from drawings, sketches, or duplicating sample parts.  

Special Tools

Templeton Test Plug

Templeton Locator Assembly

Plunger Pulling Tool

Standing Valve Pulling Tool ( Kobe taper Seat )

Overshot-Type Pulling Tool

Internal-Type Pulling Tool ( Baker Lock)

1" Coiled Tubing Overshot

" W " Plug Slip Type Mandrel

Wireline Grab


Information Request Form

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Home ] Up ] Special Tools ] Templeton Test Plug ] Templeton Locator Assembly ] Plunger Pulling Tool ] Standing Valve Pulling Tool ] Overshot-Type Pulling Tool ] Internal-Type Pulling Tool ] 1" Coiled Tubing Overshot ] " W " Plug Slip Type Mandrel ] Wireline Grab ]

Send mail to webmaster@charlesatempleton.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2003 Charles A. Templeton Machine Inc.
Last modified: 12/08/04